My doctor's appointment this morning showed that my uterus is measuring a little ahead of schedule. It's 35.5 cm, which is about 3cm ahead. The doc is not worried about it, but he does want to do an ultrasound to see how big Lily is. If she's a big baby, he might induce me early. It's possible I just have a big uterus, but we'll know for sure after the ultrasound tomorrow at 3:30.
I know she feels huge gigantic in me! She is constantly moving and nudging me to give her more space. So cute. I'm really going to miss feeling her move inside of me. It's one of those experiences that overwhelms me at times. I truly love it. I can't believe I only have 2 months left of this.
Thanks for caring about little Lily. Please pray that all is well with the ultrasound tomorrow!
Strong Again
7 years ago