We just had our 19th week ultrasound, and we found out we're having a little girl! The nice blond lady that did the ultrasound told us that the baby is developing perfectly so far. There were a couple of things that she couldn't see, like the chambers of the heart and the lip/nose area. But, we'll have another ultrasound in a few weeks to check those things out. The kidneys, bones, spine and measurements look great!
On the top left you'll see proof that the baby is a little girl. This angle is from her bottom. You can see the two legs spread out and the arrow pointing to the proof!
On the top right you'll see her spine and rib development. This angle is a profile shot with her facing down. The technician said that the white/gray area above the baby is my placenta. She said it all looks great.
On the bottom left is her face. It's hard to make out too much. The technician said that the baby needs more fat on her face before we can make out any more details. You can barely see the word "face" that she printed on the pic to help us.
On the bottom right is a little foot. So cute!
She's 19.2 cm long and weighs 10 ounces. They say that this month is when the baby grows the most. She's about half way to full term!
Thank you all for sharing our news! We are thrilled! Right now, our plan is to name her Lily Louise. Lily was my great grandmother's name. Trent and I each had grandmothers named Louise. So, we're passing on a good legacy to her through her name.
Strong Again
7 years ago